Entering a New Timeline


Entering a New Timeline


There is a new energy anchoring into Gaia, the earth grid. It is a new geometric spiral creating a template for higher dimensional frequencies for the emerging Golden Aeon.

This Galactic System supports the next evolution for all living life forms, whether human, animal or plant. A new matrix supporting the next quantum evolution, the Cosmic Cycle of the Golden Age, has come through with a stream of celestial light. It holds the tremendous transformational power of the Cosmic Christ.

Cosmic Christ conscious is one of unity consciousness, a unified awareness where all merges into one. There no separation, all is one with creation itself. These higher realms are coming down to the lower dimensions to rise all up to a higher frequency. As that is happening the entire universe is being reset.

This energy is shining light into our darkness and using its vibration to pull your shadow state up and out. Your may feel this frequency pushing energy up and out of your energy field, ready for transmutation.

All the multidimensional aspects of the self are coming into one. Because of this deep transformative process, many people are going through a deep shadow process – also known as the dark night of the soul. This deep process releases all dense emotions energies, as our emotions are surfacing to be acknowledge and released.

Through this process, you will bring your masculine, feminine and inner child into balance within you, unifying them, which will allow you to have soul sovereignty. All karma is being released and dissolved and it brings with is, a greater responsibility. With this resolution of Karma, no external figure (such as parents or past life etc) can be used as the excuse that is holding you back. It is now you, who is solely responsible for what you create.

Your destiny is absolutely yours to create and to manifest. If there is something in the way, it is an aspect of you that is here to be healed. It is what is happening in your Now – your choices, decisions, thought and emotions – that will dictate your future. It is no longer as a result any karmic consequences. You truly are the cause of your matter. It’s you, in the here and now, that is totally responsible for what you create.

It is time to do the internal work of shadow release, to ensure that there are no internal blockages. Your emotions will give you feedback on what you need to work with, as the surface to show us the path of growth. This is the encoding and process that needs to be worked through to bring you into alignment.

The Cosmic Christ frequencies are here to accelerate and support you through this process. Though this acceleration, instant manifestation also comes instant karma, depending on your choices and if your aligned with your higher truth and path or not. If you are out of alignment, you will get the cosmic slap to put you back on path.

If what you are doing is disengaging you from the flow of the universe, the universe going to bring you back, even if it feels like a slap. You need to be willing to surrender to the divine feminine aspects and all aspects within you, as it is the Divine Feminine that is speeding up this process.

We are all experiencing Source Point. This is a powerful time to release these lower energies, utilizing the support of the higher dimensions of the galactic and the Comic Christ energy. This energy is here to assist all of humanity with their spiritual ascension and transformation.

Blessings, love and light,
Illumina Rose

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